As a vacuum plasma cleaning technology, the selected workpiece device must first be vacuum compatible. Because, in a vacuum environment, the properties of some materials may change. Some materials will expand their own volume under vacuum due to internal pressure, and some materials will shrink or dry under vacuum due to the release of large amounts of internal material. In addition, the heat dissipation of the material under vacuum is very different from that under the atmosphere, which may lead to some workpieces that can not work normally.
Therefore, in simple terms, for the workpiece devices requiring vacuum plasma cleaning, we need to ensure that they can not release harmful substances in a vacuum environment, and no internal pressure explosion phenomenon, which is the premise of safe operation.
Then, when the workpiece device meets the conditions of vacuum compatibility, it can generally be used for vacuum plasma cleaning, just to choose the appropriate process gas, such as oxygen/nitrogen/argon/hydrogen. In addition, when these conventional gases are used as process gases for microwave plasma cleaning, the cleaning process usually has no impact on the vacuum cavity.